On the handle the inscription 1/2 LITER. Marked on the outside of the bottom with an oval castermark with C.A. VOS GORINCHEM for Christiaan Adrianus Vos. Working till 1880. Under the rim circa 47 verification marks, starting with G for 1874 till Q = 1944.
Mark verification office : ? .
Castersmark: Dubbe 2009: Page 177 Fig. 3114 -1
Verification marks: Wittop Koning / Houben – 2000 jaar gewichten in NL: Pages 94 & 95.
The Netherlands - Gorinchem
ANNO 1874.
Height: 16,5 cm. (6,5 inches.)
Diam. base: 8 cm. (3,1 inches.)
Weight: 714 grams.