Jacques Bernard. Actes et Mémoires des Négociations de la Paix de Ryswick. 1707 in The Haque by Adrian Moetjens

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Antique Set of 5 Dutch Books - Anno 1707
Treaty of Ryswick
In French language. 2 Pages in Dutch, All 
In leather cover, the back with 5 raised bands, title pieces with red background and volume number. Marbled text block edges and gutters.
Two folding engravings and several folding tables
Author: Jacques Bernard (1658-1718)
Published in The Haque by Adrian Moetjens in 1707. Marchand Libraire (1652-1717)
The title pages printed in red and black and with woodcut vignette.
Compilation of all of the state papers and preliminaries leading to the Treaty of Ryswick of 1697. The Treaty of Ryswick concluded the conflict King William's War, begun when the protestant William and Mary of Orange from the Netherlands overthrew the catholic King James II of England, who fled to France and persuaded the catholic King Louis XIV to take his side. The treaties of Ryswick signed on 20-21 September 1697 in Ryswick, a Dutch town on the outskirts of The Hague, ended the Augsburg League war between Louis XIV and the Augsburg League

Actes et mémoires des négociations de la Paix de Ryswick, Volume 1 Tome Premier In leather case.
Published by Adrian Moetjes
MDCCVII. = Anno 1707. 
587 pages & 24 pages register
Height: 16 cm.  (6,3 inches.)
Width:  10,3 cm.(4,1 inches.)
Depth:  4 cm.    (1,6 inches.)
Weight: 403 grams        

Actes et mémoires des négociations de la Paix de Ryswick, Volume 2 Tome Second
In leather case.
Published by Adrian Moetjes
MDCCVII. = Anno 1707
. 581 pages & 18 pages register (table de matieres)
2 Engravings
Height: 16 cm.    (6,3 inches.)
Width:  10,3 cm. (4,1 inches.)
Depth:  3,2 cm.   (1,3 inches.)
Weight:  390 grams        

Actes et mémoires des négociations de la Paix de Ryswick, Volume 3 Tome Troisieme In leather case.
Published by Adrian Moetjes
MDCCVII. = Anno 1707. 
499 pages & 19 pages register
Height: 16 cm.    (6,3 inches.)
Width:  10,3 cm. (4,1 inches.)
Depth:  2,8 cm.   (1,1 inches.)
Weight:  303 grams        

Actes et mémoires des négociations de la Paix de Ryswick, Volume 4 Tome Quatriem. In leather case.
Published by Adrian Moetjes
MDCCVII. = Anno 1707. 
391 pages & 23 pages register
Height: 16 cm.   (6,3 inches.)
Width:  10,3 cm. (4,1 inches.)
Depth:  2,6 cm.   (1 inches.)
Weight:  275 grams        

Continuation des Actes et mémoires des négociations de la Paix de Ryswick,
Contenant le Proces d’Arbitrage entre son Altesse Electorale Palatine & son Altesse Royale Madame la Duchesse d’Orleans,( Volume 5)
In leather case.
Published by Adrian Moetjes – The Haque
MDCCVII. = Anno 1707.

685 pages & 24 pages register (Table des Pieces)
Height: 16 cm.    (6,3 inches.)
Width:  10,3 cm. (4,1 inches.)
Depth:  3,7 cm.   (1,5 inches.)
Weight: 379  grams.
Totall weight set 5 = 1.750 grams.        



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