Disputationes Chirurgicae selectae, collegit, editit, praefatus est Albertus Hallerus
Books 1 & 2 Published 1755 in Amsterdam by Jacobus Wetstein.
Books 3 & 4 Published 1755 in Lousanne by Marci-Michael Bousquet et Socior
Book 5 Published in 1756 in Lousanne
5 Portrets c.q. title pages and about 50 - including 22 folded - copper engravings
5 Volumes, original in leather.
Engraving: APOLLO SALUTARIS regia chirurgiae academia parisiennis MDCCLI Impensis Marci Michaelis Bousquet et socior
Title, Disputationes Chirurgicae selectae, collegit, editit, praefatus est Albertus Hallerus Tomus with portrait Albert Haller & AMSTELODAMI Sumptibus Jacobi a Wetstein MDCCLV
4 & 606 pages incl. 8 copper engravings.
Page 44 Folding Tab I
Page. 62 Folding Tab II
Page 84 Folding Tab III
Page 96 Folding Tab IV
Page 200 Folding Tab V
Page 228 Page Tab VI
Page 270 Page Tab VII
Page 544 Page Tab VIII
The Netherlands - Amsterdam
Anno 1755
24,3 x 20 x 4,7 cm. ( 9,6 x 7,9 x 1,9 inches)
Volume I = 1.236 grams.
Total weight 5 books = 6.274 grams
ALBRECHT von Haller
* Bern 16. 10. 1708 † Bern 12. 12. 1777
Haller's attention had been directed to the profession of medicine while he was residing in the house of a physician at Biel after his father's death in 1721. While still a sickly and excessively shy youth, he went in his sixteenth year to the University of Tübingen (December 1723), where he studied under Elias Rudolph Camerarius Jr. and Johann Duvernoy. Dissatisfied with his progress, he in 1725 exchanged Tübingen for Leiden, where Boerhaave was in the zenith of his fame, and where Albinus had already begun to lecture in anatomy. At that university he graduated in May 1727, undertaking successfully in his thesis to prove that the so-called salivary duct, claimed as a recent discovery by Georg Daniel Coschwitz (1679–1729), was nothing more than a blood-vessel. In 1752, at the University of Göttingen, Haller published his thesis (De partibus corporis humani sensibilibus et irritabilibus) discussing the distinction between "sensibility" and "irritability" in organs, suggesting that nerves were "sensible" because of a person's ability to perceive contact while muscles were "irritable" because the fiber could measurably shorten on its own, regardless of a person's perception, when excited by a foreign body. Later in 1757, he conducted a famous series of experiments to distinguish between nerve impulses and muscular contractions.