Large Map of Amsterdam in 1806 Mortier, Covens & Son 1809. Antique Copper Engraving

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Original antique copper engraving, handcoloured.

"Plan nouveau et  tres exact de la  ville  d ' Amsterdam , Nieuwe platte grond der stad Amsterdam. Te Amsterdam bij  Mortier, Covens en   Zoon 1809."

Text in French and Dutch on paper on a big stone mid under  and several emblemata for trade an shipping . Further some canons. On the left in the Harbour IJ a scalebar with 2000 Amsterdam feet and  on the right  a compass.  Top left legenda in two columns of public buildings, churches, Institutions etc. B - zz and the saw-mills 1 - 22. Top right legends in two columns with streets and alleys 1 - 152 and the rest of the saw-mills 23 -58 and  + g. Under the engraving left the text: 

Gegraveerd door G. Van Baarsel, Amst. 1795. Gecorrigeerd 1806. (Engraved on copper by G. van Baarsel in 1795. Altered in 1806.)

Published  1809 in Amsterdam by Mortier, Covens & Son.


A.E. d' Ailly, Catalogus Amsterdamsche plattegronden Gemeente archief Amsterdam. Number 352.

Kaarten van Amsterdam 1538- 1865. Stadsarchief Amsterdam Blz .260  Cat.136 7e uitgave


Format engraving, 2 sheets: 55  x  94 cm. (21.6  x  37 inches.)

Framed in burr-walnut of 5 cm. with coloured acid-free passe-partout.

Height:  87 cm. (34.3 inches.)

Width: 127 cm. (50 inches.)


Price on request